Against the backdrop of the upcoming establishment of the International collaborative research lab (ICRL) under Ehime University and Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung, Indonesia, MECOH is glad to welcome back Dr. Lia Faridah, Dr. Savira Ekawardhani, and Dr. Nisa Fauziah. True to the agreement made back in December 2022, both universities had initiated the JSPS Core-to-Core International Workshop on Mosquito-borne Disease Control from an Ecological Approach" which was held here at the Molecular Ecology and Health Laboratory (MEcoH Lab) between March 29 to April 8 2023. As a continued sign of deepening partnership between foreign and local scientists, this workshop succeeded in its purpose to consolidate future collaborative projects by advancing viable ideas in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases across tropical and subtropical regions. Over the course of two weeks, multiple seminars covering useful methodologies were shared among parties. Thoughtful discussions led by subject matter experts had closed gaps in knowledge. Some critical discussions made include drug resistance, virology, cell culture and so on. Some hands-on lab demonstrations were done too. Covering techniques on mosquito rearing, mosquito DNA extraction techniques, cell culture, and third-generation DNA/RNAseq. As the workshop draws to a close, all parties involved express their immense gratitude for the opportunity created by this collaborative event. Although the time shared together may be short, it is all the more reason to cherish it. Let us appreciate these chance encounters, just as we appreciate the fleeting beauty of a Sakura cherry blossom.
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February 2025
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