Our research topics encompass two fields, ecology and health, to understand the following:
1. Environmental epidemiology to ecologically control mosquito-borne infectious diseases such as dengue diseases in tropical/subtropical countries
2. Virus-Host interactions (ウイルスと宿主の相互作用)
3. Development of high-throughput biodiversity assessment techniques using riverine biological samples and environmental DNA(河川生物試料や環境DNAを用いたハイスループットな生物多様性評価技術の開発)
4. Transmission dynamics of infectious disease in humans (ヒトにおける感染症の伝播ダイナミクス)
5. Water environment and how toxic substances affect organisms (水環境と有害物質が生物に与える影響)
6. Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of insects (昆虫の分類学的・系統学的研究)
7. Study of developmental mechanisms and dynamics of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria (ARB) in urban and coastal ecosystems(都市・沿岸生態系における抗菌剤耐性菌(ARB)の発生機構と動態の研究)
8. Elucidation of the material cycle and predatory food chain structure of microbial ecosystems in coastal areas(沿岸域の微生物生態系における物質循環と捕食食物連鎖構造の解明)